What we think is what we become

--Ayushi Mal

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create."

Whatever we think, we become. You might have heard of this phrase earlier as it holds an immense importance. Whatever we feed into our minds, becomes our thought and those thought creates our destiny. So, choose wisely whatever you feed your mind with. It Works as a loop and keeps on repeating without being conscious about it.  Our mind is just like a garden and we can consciously sow the seeds and what we get after it completely depends on what we have sown. Our brain majorly comprises of two parts prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Prefrontal cortex is responsible for the rational and analytical thinking i.e. the conscious mind and basal ganglia is responsible for the habit mind i.e. subconscious mind.  In order to make anything possible, you need to believe first.

If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you are right in both the cases. So, how does it happened. It is actually the belief, which is engrooved  in the sub conscious mind that is causing the thing to happen. Basically our mind is categorized into two parts, Subconscious and conscious.

Conscious mind is a thinking or objective mind. It has no memory.  It analyses all the facts and figures and does all the rational thinking. It is responsible for all the thoughts that we think on the surface level.

Whereas sub-conscious mind is a habit mind which stores memory. It controls all the necessary and vital functions like breathing and various other functions simultaneously. It works for 24 hours, without any rest. It is actually a memory bank and stores everything that has happened to you, whether you are able to recall it or not. You respond exactly the way you are programmed from childhood, or through the way which has became habit by repetition over a period of time. This is where its role come into play. This is the most important part as it controls habit. 

Actually both conscious and subconscious mind works hand in hand. Whatever we feed into our mind is through  the conscious mind and due to this, we form a certain perspective which helps in responding to any given situation, and by the repeated practice, it forms a habit. So, our mind is just like a garden, and conscious mind help in choosing the seeds which has to be planted and the sub conscious mind is the result which has grown over a period of time. It is upto us what kind of plants we are going to grow. If we sow the seeds of weeds, we can’t expect to get fruits or flowers. So, we must choose it wisely which seeds are to be planted and which is to be removed. Here, the conscious mind comes into play. It helps to determine what kind of seeds need to be chosen. 

If we feed ourselves with something positive things, it goes straight to the subconscious mind. And knowingly or unknowingly it becomes a part of us. The same applies to negative material. So, choose the  material properly. Pay attention what kind of books you are reading, what kind of videos you are watching and what kind of conversation you are having. All these are going to shape who you will become.

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