Right way to drink water

--Ayushi mal

Today I am going to talk about the most basic thing that is the ways to drink water. The most basic thing includes the way we drink it, As water is the life giving element so we need to take proper care.

Choose the proper utensils – Avoid drinking or storing water in plastic containers as it has some chemicals in it which disrupts the hormonal balance of the body. Stainless steel container is preferably better than the plastic ones. There is no harm in it but there could be greater options than that. Glass is the best option for an average person. Even the copper utensils are ideal as it has lots of benefit but excessive use of it can result in toxic accumulation. So, it is advised not to take more than 2 glasses. Clays are the most ideal ones in summer so to get benefitted by the micronutrients present in the soil and hence gives natural cooling.   

Meditate- Water holds memory. It simply means water molecules store vibrational energy that surrounds it. Everything has energy and energy has its vibration. Everything vibrates at a certain frequency. Water has the ability to store the vibrational energy of the surrounding and match with its frequency. So, when drinking water make sure to create positive thoughts that will result in forming healing energy. And if you are stressed or burned out it is going to create a negative impact. Always affirm positive thoughts before taking in.

Right temperature- Water should always be in room temperature. Drinking room temperature or water water can help in proper digestion. Always avoid drinking cold water as it disrupts digestion and constrict blood flow. It is advised to drink warm water.

Sit and drink- You might remember the advice given by the elders to sit and drink.  It was advised so because of the gravity. People might not know the real scientific reason behind that. If you stand up and drink water it will pull water down very fast putting pressure on the kidneys and your joints. So, next time you feel thirsty, grab a place, sit comfortably and relish the life giving element.

Drink sip by sip- Never drink water in a rush or in a hurry. Slow down, sit somewhere and then drink sip by sip, slowly to ensure the saliva that can purify and neutralize the water to make it bioavailable for the body. It will also not lead the kidney to suffer. Move water around the mouth as much as possible, before you take it in. Simply because the saliva purifies the water and makes it bioavailable to the body. Saliva holds many enzymes and has many benefits so make sure next time you eat food or drink water, mix it properly with the saliva.


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