Happiness begins with you

 --Ayushi Mal

What comes to your mind when you hear the word happiness. I am sure you might feel it is something tangible which can be achieved and measured. But it is certainly not. Happiness comes from within, it is the state of being where you don’t feel the need to force something. It is just a state which can be enjoyed by you. We people always mistaken thinking we can buy happiness which is not at all true. We can only buy things which in turn gives comfort. And happiness is not dependent on this factor. One can be happy by riding a bicycle whereas the other may be in a miserable condition riding a luxurious car. No doubt, the person who might be driving a car will be in a far more comfortable condition than the one who is riding a cycle. But it has nothing to do with the state of mind of being happy. In order to live happily, we must associate happiness with correct measures. 

Fallacies of happiness

It is found in the possession- Like I have said before, happiness is independent of the fact what we own. One may own a bungalow and he still may be unhappy whereas the other might live in a cottage but still be happy .People may think for a while if I get this , I will be happy.  But once they get it, they again aim to get something next and then  next and so on. It become an ongoing process. And we no longer remained content while appreciating the things we do have. Its not a matter of fact what we own but how we feel about us. You may feel if you buy a new car, you will be happy. And you may feel good for a while after getting it. But after few days, when you get habituated of that stuff. It no longer fetches happiness.

Travelling gives happiness- When we feel stressed out we just feel to go somewhere very distant from all worldly chaos. We feel this is the only barrier left between us and happiness. We often feel that going to a distant place may make us blissful. But the truth is just something else. We may feel relaxed for a while, we may feel pleased for a certain instant but it never fetches happiness. It gives clarity but not happiness. Stress should be handled and addressed. If we are going somewhere , we will take the stress along with us.

Comparing our lives to others and wanting to swap the lives- When we see the lives of others, we feel they are the most happiest creatures in the world. Always remember social media only shows the picture which they want to display. They tend to showcase their life the most beautiful and most admired by showing others through filters and for that instant we mistook it to be perfect. Actually, deep down they are just like us who wanted to get appreciated and accepted  and by doing so they just try to eliminate the fear of getting left out. They just try to portray the good side so that they get socially accepted. So, lets not compare our lives with them as we all have different path whose ultimate goal is happiness.


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