How to build a habit

--Ayushi Mal

Habits change into character.

BELIEVE- First step is to believe that habits can be changed and you are strong enough to do so. Habits are the results of repeated practice of certain pattern. It is so hard wired that some times we find it quite difficult to change it. But always remember, it is tough not impossible. You need to believe you are in charge of your habits and you have all the power to transform it. You just need little bit of patience and effort.

BUILD MINI HABITS- whatever habit  you want to opt, begin with small. Take baby steps and do it consistently. Instead of exercising for 2 hours for a single day, you can begin with 10 minutes exercise daily. Here the key is consistency. It takes willpower. If you want to build a habit, you need to re-program your mind. As our brain is designed to restrict any change. It fears change, it fears to come out of the comfort zone. So to make it easy you must choose those little things which seems very easy and the brain will laugh at it for not following.  If you want to have a good physical health and you want to include  exercise in your schedule. Then don’t begin or commit to workout for a stretch of 30 mins a single day. This is the trap most people fall into. Instead ask yourself to jump for 2 mins. Here the key is to be disciplined and not starting anything all of a sudden. As your brain has the habit of restricting change, so when you start something all of a sudden, your brain obstruct it by making it difficult. Here the focus should be how long you do instead of how much you do.

TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME- Don’t get overwhelm. Start doing one thing at a time. If you really want to build habit, focus on one first , then next and then next and so on. Never indulge in taking too many steps at a single time. If you do so again your brain is going to restrict you. Making it difficult for you to do. Once you have developed one habit by being consistent , then include other. Never attempt to do everything at once.

STAY CONSISTENT- Whatever habit you want to build, be consistent.  The more consistent you will be, the more engrooved, it is going to be . Whatever habits you want to opt, do it by being disciplined. Here discipline is the key. Try not to skip it for a single day until and unless it is a question of life and death. Suppose you want to opt a habit of reading, then commit to read 5 pages a single day. Make it so small, that how hard your day have been or how tired you are feeling, you still choose to be discipline just because it is too small to avoid. So choose wisely your mini habits, it should be so small that you don’t tempt to miss it for a single day no matter how tired you feel or how busy you are. Main motive should be not to miss it.

TAKE A CHALLENGE FOR 30 DAYS- Whatever you do for 21 days, it will become your habit and whatever you do for 90 days it will become your lifestyle. So indulge yourself in doing the things consistently for 30 days in a row. By doing so you will not get overwhelmed. Like if you want to wake up early, then don’t think you have to wake up early for your entire life. Even by thinking so you are going to get short of energy, instead think you have to wake up early for one month and it will become your habit. This is again one of the easy way to fool your mind. And once you start getting the result of your positive habits, you will consciously make efforts to make it last for the rest of your life.

LISTEN IT MOST OFTEN – Whatever habit you want to opt, try to listen it as often as you can. It will go straight to your subconscious mind. Suppose, if you want to start reading books then just try to hear the benefits of reading through various sources. By doing so, it will go straight into your sub conscious mind. And once, it goes there, it gets engrooved. You will eventually form it a habit. We come what we read, hear and see. So, choose wisely whatever you feed your mind with.

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