Benefits of reading books

--Ayushi Mal

Reading books has a lots of benefits. It not only widens our perspective but also takes us to a whole new world. I had closely felt the difference when I started reading books. It just shifted my whole paradigm. I started putting myself in other's shoes and started questioning everything I knew. As reading not only gives information but makes us creative.

Helps in widen perspective -  Reading exposes to new ideas, new belief and new way of thinking. It also teaches  new way to control and  manage different situation. While reading, you understand things in a different perspective. Personally, I have experienced that nothing is white or black. Everyone is correct  from their perspective. It is just that  we don’t put ourselves in their shoes. While reading various books, I witnessed that two people might have contradictory thought  while being right at the same time. It made me question everything, whatever I knew. As from here my curiosity to know in depth increased. It just opens up the mind and help in viewing each side of  a given situation.

Aids in sleep- Reading  calms the mind and relaxes the body which in turn set up a perfect ambience for sleep. When you read, your eyes muscles are in constant motion scanning through the pages in a patterned way from left to right. Micro eye movement is involved all through the process. Focus also plays a very important role here which in turn increases your mental work . Because of all these small movements, the muscles get tired and eventually make you fall asleep.

Improves brain functioning and build stronger analytical thinking.-  In a study, it was concluded that, in readers, the occipital lobe, the visual processing center of the brain was more developed. It means readers were able to process visual information more efficiently. The reader’s parietal lobes were also strengthened which in turn helped in turning letters into words and words into thoughts.  It is essential to writing and reading comprehension. It helps in processing information both verbally and visually more effectively.

Builds Vocabulary and knowledge- Books has the power to open up doors to a new world. It gives glimpse of past , present and future. You can immerse yourself in the ocean of knowledge and information. Information is something which we use to process our intellect. One makes decision on the basis of information fed in. It exposes us to new words which in turn builds our vocabulary and it helps us further in better communication.

Stress reliever-  Stress  actually affects the health in numerous ways. It can lead to various other ailments such as heart problem, anxiety, high blood pressure.  Reading books  relaxes the body by lowering the heart rate and blood pressure.  According to a study conducted in 2009 stated that reading for atleast 6 minutes can actually lowers the stress upto 68 %. It calms  the mind and set the person with clearer mind.

Improves focus and mental health- Books have the power  to take us to a completely different  world. Reading books needs concentration which in turn increases focus. What exercise is  for body, reading is for mind. Just like any other muscles, our brain also needs exercise to keep it healthy and strong and nothing is better than reading. Research says being mentally active can prevent us from having various diseases such as Alzheimer and dementia.

Increases creativity- When you get completely engrossed in a book, you get escape from the reality and all types of negative turbulence get terminated presently. It broadens our imagination by stimulating the right side of the brain. It uses imagination and this in turn increases our creativity. The more you get absorbed  in the book, the more it stimulate imagination and increases creativity.



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