What is success?

 --Ayushi Mal

"Try not to become a man of success . Rather become a man of value."

"If You are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary."

The definition of success is different for different individuals but the essence remain same for all.  Everyone wants to live a comfortable life peacefully and happily. Many people may associate success with name and fame but there is way more than that. Being successful is far greater than looking successful. One may have a very comfortable and luxurious life, but he may feel empty from inside. One may have recognition but he may feel void from inside. We associate success with name, fame and money but  it is more than that. Previously, I used to think when I will start earning and become financially independent, then I might call myself to be successful. But now when I am earning, I don’t call myself to be the one just based on the financial aspect. I realized there is lot more than that. I actually realized the value of time , health and family too. I might be financially independent but am I actually independent?  I just started pondering over it. Am I able to manage my own time or there is any sort of bondage? Am I able to give time to the people whom I love or I am just engaged with my own stuff? Do I really feel happy in doing the work I do or feel void inside? There were so many questions running in my head.  I never had thought so deeply earlier but now due to deep introspection  I started questioning my own belief. It was just a life changer for me. I never had thought like this before and I always had evaluated success with money but trust me, it is not so. I personally feel success defines how do you feel about yourself. By this statement I certainly mean feel  good about you and your life and it necessarily didn’t mean you should be content with what you have but what you can create from what you have.  

 There are actually 5 pillars of success- health, wealth, relationship and time and purpose

Define what success is for you- Firstly, define what success is for you and what do you want from  your life. You must know your priorities. What success will be for others may not be for you. So, you must go deeper within yourself so that you can know what do you really want and not what you think you want. It is actually the first step which will lead to your destiny. People who is just earning their livelihood but living happily with their family will be successful  than the one who has accumulated lots of wealth but lives a life of stress and misery. It actually determines what tone you have set for your life.

Balance- Always have balance between all the pillars which define success. All pillars are equally important and one must take care of each. One must never neglect any single of it in order to achieve others. Never let any one factor dictate your life. All the pillars are equally important and meaningful. The negligence of any one can affect the others.

Focus on journey- Success is not  defined by what you have achieved but how you did that. One may have a brightful career, but to attain that if they have neglected their health and family, then will you  call it success? It just means how beautifully and gracefully you have reached the destination. It actually depends on the path and not the destination. There will be hurdles and challenges along the way but how have you overcame it will really matter. One must focus on the journey and make it worth instead of focusing only on the outcome.

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