--Ayushi Mal

Freedom actually begin when you stop caring about people's opinion and thoughts about you. It is a trait that had been engrooved from the very childhood that other's opinion holds a priority list in our life, which is not true. You just need to live your life on your own way doing the right things. You will be astonished to know that people are not giving a damn concern about you at the first place because they are even busy doing the same thing i.e. pondering on other's opinion about them. Its so insane to waste your life thinking about the stuffs that doesn't  matter at the first place.

Freedom is not something external rather an internal factor and it can be perceived by being the way one wanted to be without caring about other's opinion at first place. People's opinion about you tell a lot about  themselves and people always forms judgement no matter what. It is certainly important to take care of yourself and stop caring what people will think about you. Life is too short to be lived the way people want us to live. Live your life to the fullest because at the end what do you think of yourself and how you have lived is what really matters. Don't waste your energy and time to impress others by living your own life based on others term.

Your just can't control everybody's thinking but you can certainly mind your own so why not focus on that on what you have control over. What other people think is not a matter of concern rather what do you think of yourself tells a lot about you.

You can certainly take others feedback but don't form it your own opinion. You may be good for someone and may be bad for the other, you are the same person but the perception of you is different for two different individuals. So, how is it possible!! It is because it has nothing to do with you but certainly with them.

If you start pleasing everyone then their may be at least one person left out who will never be satisfied with you although how hard you try. So its a waste of time and energy to dive into a world where your mission is to make everyone happy and pleased. You can't do that. And along the journey, you may lose your own authenticity. Once you start pleasing one in a certain way and then the other in a certain way and so on. Your identity and your authenticity will be lost somewhere down the lane. And you will start living a life of some unknown who is not aware of his own identity. Life is too short to waste this way, spend all your efforts to please yourself irrespective of other's view. Freedom actually begin when you starts valuing yourself more while living with integrity by working on yourself on daily basis.

Always remember you can't serve with an Empty Cup. If you truly want to live a happy life, make your happiness first priority then only you will be able to radiate that happiness to others. It's actually not at all a selfish act where you think about yourself at a first place, where you give value to your thoughts and emotions. As I said you can't serve with an empty cup. So, whatever you want to serve to other begin with yourself first.

 Many of the person chop the wings of their dreams just because someone else has said that they can't. You need to redefine your identity. You need to figure out your own way. You may take advices, you may take feedbacks but the decisions should be yours. And when you starts valuing yourself, people too will start valuing you. When you start living your life on your own terms, people will get inspired by you. When you start being your authentic self, real people will gravitate towards you. So, everything begins with you. Just give yourself the love, the care, the value which you expect from others and you will start discovering a whole new world, that will certainly beats for you.