--Ayushi Mal

“When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most.” – Unknown

What is love? I tried questioning it without any pre-notion or biased information. Each time I sit to ponder upon it, I get a different answer or may be a different perspective to view it. I questioned is it just a sweet sensation that prevails through me when I think of someone I admire, or it is the commitment that is being given. I don’t know what it means to all, but I have started exploring it lately and discovered its different faceted.

For me love is just a sweet sensation which gets imbibed when we see something or someone or start admiring for what it is. I can feel love for a tree, even a flower, and even a stranger I don’t even know. We love our parents no matter how they look or what status they hold. I feel love is simply the acceptance of what it is and admiring it.

I tried finding the answer what love feels like. I even interrogated myself hoping to dive into its depth. Is it only the state of euphoria or something more than it! And if it is so then does this feeling last? If not then what happens to it? Maybe it begins with spark but grows with commitment or is there some other meaning to it. I have even heard of couples who once felt head over heels and claimed to have found true love and now they are deceiving their partner. It made me ponder further.

Love is a choice we make every day. It is a responsibility we take to nurture and focus on the well-being. It is a feeling we abide by even when things don’t get along our way. It is a commitment to stand by even when things get rough. It is an assurance no matter what we will stand together, even if the others don’t have anything to offer. Love is beyond that temporary attraction which infuses due to the release of some chemicals and fusion of some neurons. Love is a verb which means it is to be put in action rather than just feeling. It is an acceptance of the fact that even if there will be storm, we will stick around or soar across.

We need to ask ourselves even if he loses everything, will I be still his side?

Even if he battles with health issues, will I be stick around?

Even if he loses his hairs or loses pounds, will I be still love him as much I do?

Even if he is hard to bear or gets irritable, will I be still taking effort to soothe him?

Love always begins with acceptance, trust and respect and grows with commitment and efforts. Choosing someone with whom you can work with to evolve the relationship.

Actually, we have grown in an era where replacement seems easier than repairment. We often do it with the physical stuffs. Though we have begun this culture with the physical things, but it has spread to various part of our life. So that is why the rate of unsuccessful marriage is increasing as people find is quite easy to opt for an alternative rather than fixing. There will be challenges and struggles but how one overcome it matters at the end.